Monday, August 16, 2010

How do I get my cat to sleep in her bed?

A couple months ago, I got my cat a new bed. One problem...SHE'S SCARED TO DEATH OF IT!! She acts like something is gonna jump out and eat her lol. How do I get her to overcome her fear of the bed?How do I get my cat to sleep in her bed?
ducktape itHow do I get my cat to sleep in her bed?
I had that problem. Just give her time to get used to it. It is something new and she needs time to feel safe around it. Plus, some cats just don't like beds, they sleep where they want. So that may be part of it, too. Try putting some treats of hers in the bed or a toy. Otherwise, just give it time.

And don't force her to lie in the bed, that will make things worse.
you could sit in it and hold her i guess, and then slowly transition her into it. or you could get her a crate and put the bed in it then close the door so she HAS to sit in it
Try putting some catnip in the bed. I have several beds around the house. As kittens they used them - as adults - their bed is our bed!
My best answer would be just let the new item sit until the cat makes

peace with it %26amp; decides herself to give it a try...It's almost impossible

to force or even encourage a cat to do something it doesn't want to do.
fear it is not..cats will sleep where ever they feel comfortable, on your bed under the bed whatever,

my cat sleeps in his bed sometimes but not a lot, don't worry about it she will eventually sleep in it long as it is soft. You may try laying the bed in the sun somewhere in the house, cats love the sun!
Put some treats or toys in it. Don't worry, she'll get used to it.

My cat's bed is her carrier. It has a heating pad and some soft pillows. :)

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