I have a wonderful mare who is by a world champion halter stallion and sire but she is quite ';tall and gangly';. I want to show her in halter as it's in the blood, but as she is so fine, what can I do to build all that muscle?How to build muscle on a horse for halter showing?
ride, ride, ride. THey love it and it builds muscle. just dont over do it. Also lunging helps a lot :] good luck.How to build muscle on a horse for halter showing?
Ride her, you can probably give her suppliments to but i wouldnt do that unless you consult a vet to make sure it is ok, the only thing i give my skinny horses is beat pulp.
Long trotting, slow loping, working in sand or deep dirt, backing up, flexing, suppling, stretching, pivoting, side passing at all gaits(or whatever you might call it) Um trotting over a series of trot poles. If she's not broke, the lunge her a lot everyday.
ok... it depends how old she is, there are many grains out there that do many things but oats are the best way to go also the omaline 2oo, 100, and 300 work well.. it builds fat and makes there coat really shiny. feed 1-2 flakes of hay a feeding(alfalfa) dac oil or flaxeed oil is great for the coat to. make sure you worm the horse also. when you work them do not ride. it gets rid of back fat. put a sweat on her neck and work her for 15 minutes each day.(she needs to foam when she sweats to know you have a good sweat) if you work her more then that she will burn to many caleries.
TROTTING pulls the stomach up and gets rid of a hay belly
LOPING- builds back fat and leg muscle.
try to go the both ways an equal amount of time.
Hit the round pen, if you don't have access to one then get a lounge line. I thing a fast working trot builds muscle the fastest. When I'm trying bulk up a horse for show I start them at a slow trot to warm them up then get them up to a good working trot. I judge when to stop by the horse, you don't want to over work them but you want to push just a little. That plus a good workout when you ride and it should help bulk her up a little. Halter is about conformation though, extra muscle looks great and could help in a ty-breaker situation but over all if she's got good conformation you should do just fine anyways!
Do lots of trotting work. Especially on a lunge line. I would give her at least 6 weeks to start filling out. Also, if you can afford to I would put her on a coat supplement that has a good amount of fat in it. I like using a flax based product, because vegetable oil and corn oil may make your horse shiny, but it is really not good for them because it is a pro-inflammatory (omega 6's, like fast food!). That would be counterproductive especially if you are going to be working on putting muscle on. Give that at least a month to six weeks as well. As long as her conformation is put together well, I wouldn't worry so much on beefing her up. I am sure she is quite a beauty! I have a halter type as well and he can just stand in the pasture and not move and he still looks muscular.
how old is the mare?
Work her daily...focus on collection and other maneuvers
you train them a lot and ride them after there fullly trained and u should be good to go !
Well I own a grand champion halter horse mare and I ride and excersise her everyday. She was born a big muscular mare and i have never really had a problem putting muscle on her but if you really want to show her in halter i would advice you to lunge her for a least 30 minutes every day. This will get her nice and fit and it will build muscle. If your mare does not end up looking like a body builder that is ok because some horses are just not meant to be super muscular . I know a mare who is really slim and tiny and her brother was a world champion halter horse.. I just depends on their body type.
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