How do they pull this off?
Are Canadian cops simply three times more competent than the cops in America, or what?
What can we learn from Canada when it comes to bringing down the murder rate? Why is America failing in this regard compared to Canada? Who is to blame, and how can we correct this crisis?How does Canada manage to maintain such a low murder rate compared to America?
for starters fix your prison system
its the largest in the world and easily one of the most ineffective
too many people in prison for minor drug offences first off
second people go in for minor crimes, learn the tools of the trade from inmates, join gangs and then bring that to the outside world where they become better criminals and work in the same gangs they were a part of in prison
we also didnt have a huge slave population that suddenly were free and then not given any support and generations later they are still at a disadvantage and turn to crime to make up for that discrepancyHow does Canada manage to maintain such a low murder rate compared to America?
Canada has less major cities. If you compared the murder rate in areas with similar population densities, you'd find them to be pretty similar.
Canadians are also much happier in general due to the way their government is run, their health care, and the levels of freedoms they enjoy. They also have a MUCH lower disparity of wealth. In America, we have some very rich people and some very poor people, but the difference is huge between them- compare Bill Gates to the guy living under a bridge. Canada doesn't have such a huge gap between rich and poor, so less need to resort to crime.
America is the outlier. All of Western Europe, Scandinavian, Australia, New Zealand, Canada have these numbers. Canada isn't doing anything special.
Guns are a huge factor. They have less cops not more, lighter prison sentences, more social services, more rehabilitation programs. The ';tough on crime'; tactic makes more and better criminals.
Gang activity and drugs are the number one cause of murder in the U.S. So, we can either get a lot tougher on the gangs and drug people, or we can remove the need for them to join gangs or take drugs.
However, in our society, we have encouraged people to rely upon the government for their existence and their successes. When those things don't materialize as they expect them to, they take to gangs and drug use as a means of getting the things they want or making it so they don't care if they have them or not.
Canada as well as most other civilized countries in the world (with the exception of England), have very strong programs regarding educational expectations. Kids here get away with being losers. In those other countries, they do not. You either do well, or pay the consequences.
So its your call. Do you want the freedom to do as you like...or do you want the government to tell you what you MUST do? Keep in mind, that if you want the freedom to choose, you also have to accept the responsibility for those choices. That is why we have a problem. People are no longer held responsible for themselves. We have given to much to to many.
And we the people...unfortunately until just recently....have not held our political leaders responsible either. THAT was the beginning.
We have about one tenth of the population of the USA, so that's one factor. Another is our firearm laws, which are SO strict compared to the USA. We do NOT have the right to bear arms, so we don't have as much access to weapons as our American neighbours. Plus, Canadians are a different people than Americans in a way that we don't feel the need to kill each other over trivial matters. (Not saying every American is like that, I'm just making a hypothesis, and I do not mean to offend anyone.) So, those are my reasons why I'd think we have a lower murder rate. But don't worry too much about it. In 2009, the USA had a lower murder rate than Iceland and the U.K. Source: (Top 10 2009: Section: Murders)
Canada does a much better job of keeping the illegal immigrants out of Canada than The United States does of keeping the illegal immigrants out of The United States of America.
If you eliminate the illegal immigrants you also drastically reduce your crime rate.
Far lower population density. Average population density in the United States: 31 people per square kilometer. For Canada, it's 3.3 per square kilometer. Even Canadian cities are less densely populated than ours. The real fact is that cramming people into urban areas causes violence.
There's a statistical link between bitter cold and lower crime rates. It has nothing to do with the competency of the police force, or anything you might seem to suggest. Sometimes it's just too cold to go out and kill someone.
First of all there are only 33 million people in the entire country as opposed to 300 million in this country. Averaged out based on the territory thats about 10 people per square mile. Because the country in still developing there are more jobs. Unlike the U.S. they have a large middle class and not as many poor people.
Canada is nowhere near the size of the US population wise
other than that we have a violent gang culture and inner city crime fudges the data avg , its bad but that's the price of freedom are amazing,comparing 33million population to 300+ million ! yikes another public school genius! we can cut Canadas' murder rate even lower with concealed carry weapon super in the USA ! every kanuck should be packing.....
All countries which practice Government by the people for the people have lower crime rates than those countries that practice ';Government by corporations for corporations!
their peopl have no need to murder because their government isnt ****** up like ours
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